
Business Owners, Manager, Entrepreneurs, Tradies

Business Model Canvas Launch - An Introduction

Key Attributes:
Have Wants

Business Model Canvas Description

How To Launch a New Business - An Introduction

Are you ready to launch your vision, dream, entrepreneurial venture, or next product?

Before we start can I ask a few questions? Just to be crystal clear.


Has the launch been initiated?

Where is the vision, dream, entrepreneurial venture or next product situated?

Who is driving the Launch?

Who are the personal networks in the launching process?

Has the vision, dream, entrepreneurial venture, or next product been validated and is this segment the ideal target?


These are some questions to get positioned. Now, let’s go through the 9 segments of the Business Model Canvas Launch Introduction.


This sequence is not a hard fast rule, there is flexibility depending on industry, product/service, manufacturing and other influences.

1. Value Proposition (VP): Products & Services, Pain relievers and Gain creators to your segment and Differentiation Value Proposition Canvas (VPC)
2. Customer Segments: Ideal clients - avatar, geographic, demographic, and sociographic, niche, diversified, and multi-plaited.
3. Channels: Supply chain personnel, primary and secondary industries, owner direct or partner indirect or tier 1, 2 and 3. Transport etc.…
4. Customer Relationships: Customer acquisition, retention, and customer growth. (CRMS) Ambassador’s
5. Key Resources: Plant and equipment, buildings, employees, intellectual property, computer software (CRMS), Financial, Expert knowledge, Legal and Environmental Political awareness.
6. Key Activities: R&D, Production, and manufacturing, Problem Solving (VP) Marketing, Sales, and Customer Services, (CRMS) and platform and network (IT)
7. Key Partners: Strategic partnerships, economic, risk reduction, acquisition on resource activities co-opetition, joint-venture, and buyer-supplier relationships.
8. Cost Structure: Fundamental costs, highest expense, key activity expense, drivers of cost, fixed or variable, seasonal, value or cost driven.
9. Revenue Streams: Asset sales of products, usage fees, subscriptions, lending, renting, licensing, brokerage, and advertising

Launching and Introduction Grades

Grade Sequence Explanation Insights
1 VPC - drawing board address prospective client's problems
2 Business Strategy Mapping
3 Business Model Transformation
4 Marketing Plan Refreshers (Avatar)
5 Skills Analysis Defined
6 Online Business Baseline
7 Keyword Research Domination
8 Sales Copywriting Domination
9 5 Pillars for the Supply Chain

As you work through these grades the vision, dream, entrepreneurial venture, or next product will begin to formulate and structure ready for launching. Be sure to write down all your insights because they will be the blueprint to future opportunities.


Once you have gone through this process: it’s time to plan your marketing plan. This will give you momentum to get clear and differentiation from your competition and overcome roadblocks. Then get ready to address the great mystery that is the 5 Pillars subscription model and further your opportunities.


Business Model Canvas Launch - An Introduction

Key Attributes:
Have Wants