National Supply Chains

Who is best to manage the food supply chains and can the Australian people rely through disaster and food shortages?
Is the government qualified to effectively manage particularly food supply chains and disaster management?
Living geographically over the last 3o years through disasters, from floods, cyclones, earthquakes, tiddle surges and storms one thing has become clear. Government has indicated that the resilience of Australians to get in and help their fellow neighbours has come to be expected. Waiting for government intervention such as the Lismore floods of 2022, when it took more than a week before activating the emergency response. Leaving many residences and others wanting to help on their own. Then finally when the government did respond it pushing those that were willing to work out of the response effort. While residences pleaded for help, with little support from both the Australian Government and military.
Looking at the distance required for food and other essentials to be transported in Queensland alone can be up to 1600 km. The Bruce Highway and rail infrastructure continually being affected, by these environmental events. Unless Government is prepared to bipartisan infrastructure projects over the long-term beyond a term of government this issue will never be addressed. While the risks continue to increase effecting insurance, logistics and future hinderance on national development and growth.
The other option could be privatising the supply chains, having increased global influence which could give to more capital for projects but with strings attached. We have seen privatisation and its effects over the last 20 years with rail in Queensland being an example. Do we continue to sell off our assets for short-term benefits or Government to step up and structure our national supply chains?
An article publish by The University of Melbourne suggests, that the Australian Government needs to lead.
However, the appointing of bureaucrats to manage the nations essential food supply chains, is of concern. The capabilities of those that would be responsible for such an important portfolio would need to be beyond reproach amongst other strong character traits. The role of leadership and collaboration between all stakeholders and to the public would need to be completely transparent with conflicts of interests not being tolerated. An independent managing board including all stakeholders appointed to oversee every part of the processes.
This issue cannot be solved in a single blog post, but we all need to be discussing how we use our skill sets and bring them to the table. Our skills are in the development and rolling out of these processes through to auditing and over all review to reporting stages to Government and Organisations alike.
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